Sickle cell disease is also called an invisible disease because you are not from the outside can see if someone has sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is a kind of anemia (anemia).
In most people, blood consists for a large part of red blood cells, also known aserythrocytes mentioned. These red blood cells ensure that your body gets enough oxygen. This oxygen is attached to a red pigment called hemoglobin A . In people with sickle cell disease is this red dye slightly differently than in healthy people.People with sickle cell have hemoglobin S . This causes the abnormal red blood cells change shape, once they have a certain amount of oxygen delivered. Then you lower hemoglobin level and get your blood cells than the shape of a sickle and fall apart quickly (hemolysis). In the blood of people with sickle cell disease sees a lot of sickle red cells: the sickle cells . Hence the name: sickle cell disease or sickle cell anemia (anemia). Only by blood test (called Hb electrophoresis), one can find out whether you have sickle cell disease or carrier.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a heterogeneous disorder, with Clinical manifestations including chronic haemolysis, an increased susceptibility to infections and vaso-occlusive Complications often requiring medical care. Patients with SCD can develop specific and sometimes life-threatening complications, as well as extensive organ damage reducing both their quality of life and their life expectancy. Proven effective treatment options for sickle cell patients are limited to hydroxyurea, blood transfusions and bone marrow transplantation. With the increasing prevalence of SCD in the Netherlands, a fundamental understanding of its pathophysiology and clinical syndromes is of importance for local medical practitioners.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is clinically one of the most important haemoglobinopathies. It is characterised by haemolytic anaemia, an increased susceptibility to infections and vaso-occlusion that occurs in almost all vascular beds leading to ischaemic tissue injury with organ dysfunction and early death. Outcome is difficult to predict, and few effective therapeutics are available. The prevalence of SCD is on the rise in the Netherlands due to an increased immigration of people from Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles and African countries.1 A recent survey (with only a 30% response) covering more than 400 Dutch hospital departments where patients with aemoglobinopathies could be registered indicated a population of at least 450 SCD patients (PC Giordano, manuscript in preparation).
आपको सिकलसेल कैसे होता है
Sickle cell disease is a disease that your parents get. Daddy or Mommy must sickle little cells in their blood to pass to you.
1. If mom and dad no sickle cell gently than there is no chance that you have it. This is called the doctors called AA type of blood.
2. If only your mom or dad carrier is a 50% chance of 100% that you are a carrier. This is called the doctors called AS type of your blood.
3. If Mom and Dad both have sickle cell disease then you have it.
Why does it have to be so a pain during a crisis?
As you already know, a sickle in the shape of a half moon. Great people say sometimes sickle shape. Your blood little cells are oxygen shortly. Your sickle cell gently be faster through your body broken and disappear from your body. remain fewer red blood cell little about, you then have enough blood in your body, the adults call this anemia. Actually it is good that your body is the sickle cell gently degrades because the sickle cell gently blocking the normal small cells. If this happens you will really bother your bones and it does really hurt. You can also have pain somewhere else, that could be because the blockages at several places in your leg or your arms and even your little toe! By The pain often can not breathe and you'll have more oxygen too short. Because you have so little oxygen, there will be a yellow color in your own eyes or on your skin, the doctors call it a fancy word "bilirubin "but you do not remember though!
हर्बल उपचार
believe in the power of nature and that nature has healing power. So most plants, vegetables and herbs are also used as medicines against diseases.This also applies to sickle cell anemia. Therefore it is good to eat healthy. Use meals rich in saccharine, nitrogen, iron, vitamin C, B12, D1 and fats. Useful all diet rich in vitamin B12 such as various livers, cheese, and all kinds of meat. Eat lots of products containing iron such as: pineapple, chestnut, spinach, lettuce, olives, parsley, prunes, honey, grapes, eggs, milk, fish, tajerblad, sopropo, antroewa, dagoeblad, bita wiri, clarion, purslane, ocher, many Ansje / eggplant.
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