Hemoglobin is measured in grams per deciliter of blood. The normal levels are:
- Women: 12.1 to 15.1 gm/dl
- Men: 13.8 to 17.2 gm/dl
- Children: 11 to 16 g/dl
- Pregnant women: 11 to 12 g/dl
A liberal intake of iron rich foods will immediately check iron deficiency anemia. Initially, to make up for the deficit, iron supplements are advised. But gradually, taper the dependence. Good sources of iron are- whole wheat, brown rice, green leafy vegetable spinach (हरी पत्तेदार पलक), broccoli (हरी गोभी). Cabbage, fenugreek (मेथी), lettuce), beet (चुकंदर), cherries, tomatoes, dates (खजूर), figs (अंजीर).
Consumption of iron alone will not help.
- The low hemoglobin diet must also comprise of adequate protein. Milk and its products, egg, organ meat and soy are the best sources.
- When taking iron foods/ a supplement, always take vitamin C alongside. This facilitates the absorption of iron.
- Vitamin B should also be taken liberally for increasing hemoglobin level. Sources – whole cereals, fruits and vegetables and milk.
- Beet is the ideal food, which stimulates haemoglobin production. It regenerates RBC production and speedily fights the symptoms of anemia.
- Anulom-vilom, a breathing technique (PRANAYAMA), should be done, religiously everyday. It purifies the body; throwing out toxins, improve body’s resistance and helps in normal vesicular breathing.
- Eat food containing iron.
- Eat green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, collards, etc.
- Green peas and other varieties of peas.
- Liver, chicken, turkey.
- Egg, organ meat beef and lamb.
- Iron fortified cereals and brown rice.
- Iron supplements in tablets and capsules.
- If you are taking supplementary iron, orange juice helps it to absorb effectively.
- A healthy diet is one of the best ways to boost the levels of hemoglobin in the blood. Alternatively use of iron and folic acid supplements would also prove beneficial. However, the use of supplements is often associated with side effects like constipation. Here are some of the dietary measures to boost your hemoglobin levels.
- Include green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Spinach, Broccoli, Mustard greens, Arugula,Dandelion Greens, Collard
- Greens,Romaine Lettuce,Swiss Chard, etc are great sources of vitamin A, C, K, folate, calcium and iron. They are also rich in fiber which is essential to alleviate symptoms like constipation in elderly. These foods are packed with antioxidants that prevent the occurrence of conditions like cancers and cardiovascular disorders
- Apricots, dates, raisins, Cashew nuts, figs, soy, sesame seeds, etc are also rich sources of iron.
- Wheat germ, Wheat flakes, oat bran should form an integral part of your diet. Malt bread, Whole grain bread and cereals are packed with iron and folic acid which is essential to boost the levels of hemoglobin in your blood.
Symptoms of Anemic Person
An anemic person, is usually pale, has dull-tired eyes, feels dizzy and faints, lacks energy and is breathless, when he slightly exerts himself.
- Fatigue.
- Dizziness.
- Breathing difficulty.
- Skin looks pale.
- Chest pain.
- Rapid heart rate.
- Feet and hands feel cold.
- Depression.
- Iron deficiency in children, adult, pregnant women and lactating women.
- Lack of dietary iron
- Lack of absorption of iron in the intestine due to intestinal parasite.
- Depletion of iron due to hemorrhage.
- Heavy menstruation.
- Defect and destruction of red blood cells such as sickle cell anemia, blood cancer etc.
- Fibroid
- Prostate cancer.
- Bleeding piles.
- Gastric ulcer.
- Polyps in the colon.
- Chronic kidney disease.
- Worms are also known to cause anemia.
- How is your bowel movement? Are there any irregularities?
उपचार विधि
11 प्रभावी उपाय Low Hemoglobin के लिए
घरेलू उपाय
Simple changes in everyday routine life, eating habits, and following the tips mentioned here can be very beneficial.
Blackstrap Molasses: गुड बनने से एक पहले का चरण
Rich in vitamin B, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, and many other vital nutrients and minerals are found aplenty in blackstrap molasses. It has been suggested since ages to improve the low hemoglobin levels in the red blood cells.
Use blackstrap molasses in cooking. Or dip pancakes in it.
Beetroot: चुकंदर
Beetroots energizes a tired body by providing vitamin B, magnesium, vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, folic acids, proteins, and many other minerals and nutrients.
Eat beetroot raw as salad, or use it in cooking delicious and nutritious dishes.
Spinach: पालक
Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, folic acid, iron, vitamin A, B, C, and E, zinc, proteins, and omega 3 fatty acids besides many other nutritional values. It fights anemia and increases the hemoglobin levels.
Drink spinach juice. Eat it as raw salad, or include it in cooking.
Legumes: फली
Legumes provide energy to the body, fights weakness, improves memory, increases muscle tone, and aids in brain functioning. The many minerals, and nutrients and rich vitamins essential for adequate hemoglobin levels in red blood cells is provided by legumes. High in proteins, B complex vitamins, etc are very beneficial in treating the condition.
Include legumes in your daily cooking.
Nuts: बीज
Cashew nuts, peanuts, almonds, raisins, walnuts, cedar nut, pistachio, etc are some of the nuts that can treat the condition efficiently because of the high levels of protein, vitamins, and nutrients found in them. Vitamins A, B, C, E, iron, calcium, protein, amino acids, folic acids, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc are found in abundance in these nuts.
Eat nuts everyday in between meals. Or add them to your cuisines.
Milk And Cheese:
Dairy products like milk, cheese, tofu, paneer, etc are a good source of high protein, and provide the weak body with energy and vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. It helps fight the fatigue, muscle weakness, and calcium deficiency.
Drink milk twice a day. Include cheese, tofu, paneer in your cooking. Avoid it if you are allergic to lactose.
Eggs are a great source of proteins, iron, and numerous other essential vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. It fuels the body with energy, prevents headache, hair loss, treats numbness and other symptoms associated with anemia.
Eat an egg everyday. Boiled, fried, or in any other way include it in your daily food.
Beef liver in particular is highly recommended for treating anemia. It reduces any deficiency in the body, is rich in iron and vitamin B, improves brain functioning and saves memory loss. The nutrients present in beef liver help prevent dizziness, tiredness, low levels of hemoglobin in the red blood cells and treats all the associated symptoms.
Eat beef liver.
Low fat meat improves cardiovascular health, energizes the body, has highest amount of iron, and is good for treating the general discomfort. It is better to go for dark colored meat, as it has more amount of iron. Do not eat high fat meat though.
Eat meat at least once a week.
Chicken provides vitamin B which is very essential for addressing the condition appropriately. Increases immunity, improves bone health, aids in normal functioning of nervous system, and overall health.
Include chicken in your food.
Prunes: मुनक्का
An excellent way to treat anemia, improve body’s vitality, aids in red blood cells production, enhances blood circulation, and aids in addressing the situation properly. Riboflavins, vitamin A, B, C, iron, proteins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus etc are very beneficial in overall health.
Eat prunes in between meals. Or drink a glass of prune juice.
These low hemoglobin treatment tips at home can address the problem of anemia efficiently. In addition, oysters, bran flakes, chickpeas, green peas, kidney beans, etc should also be included in daily food. Apart from all this, include a happy and healthy lifestyle, stay away from alcohol, avoid tobacco, work out regularly, and eat fruits, leafy greens and vegetables each day.
The best way of treating this condition of anemia is by increasing one's supply of iron in the diet. This iron builds up the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and thus aids the cause. Needless to say, the dosage of iron should be administered after consulting with a medical expert only. He will prescribe a certain dose and will also tell you the best time of day to take the dosage. Excessive iron in your diet can also have adverse effects, so you need to be careful.
In some cases, a certain medication may be interfering in the production of hemoglobin or red blood cells. This medication needs to be pinpointed, and its consumption needs to be stopped. This is a long process though, and one that is based on trial and error more than anything else. Some people require low hemoglobin treatment because of the presence of a stomach ulcer or a colon cancer in their bodies. These conditions cause the unnatural loss of red blood cells in the body, and they need to be treated before any further treatment can be administered in order to get the body up to normal hemoglobin levels.
In extremely severe cases, an immediate blood transfusion will be the only answer. Any major blood loss could lead to the onset of this condition and a lack of oxygen to the body, and this must be dealt with accordingly. Some women have to deal with unnaturally large amounts of blood loss during their menstrual cycles, and this can also be treated with the help of certain prescribed medications. People administering certain home remedies for low hemoglobin should only do so after consultation with a doctor. Along with anemia, there are various other blood disorders to look out for as well.
The threat of low hemoglobin is a very real one, and it can cause major complications in one's body. The importance of these treatments should be not underestimated, and one should get to know how to increase hemoglobin levels and act as fast as possible in order to control this potentially fatal condition.
प्राकृतिक रूप से हीमोग्लोबीन बढ़ाने के उपाय
1. Chitosan
Did you know the humble shrimp could be your ticket to increased hemoglobin levels? Not only that, but clinical studies have proven “throwing another shrimp on the barbie” will lower urea and cholesterol levels, and help lose excess fat!
Chitosan is structurally similar to cellulose (a complex carbohydrate found in plants), which consists of glucose molecules connected to one another. This substance is mainly found within the exoskeleton of shrimp, crab, prawns and other shellfish, but is best taken as a supplement.
2. Nutrient supplementation:
Iron, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid (aka Vitamin B9), & Vitamin C Nutrition is important, all biological process that occur within the body require specific nutrients to carry out each individual process, therefore a lack of a certain nutrients will either slow down that process (e.g. hemoglobin production), or shut it down all together. For the production of hemoglobin there are 10’s of nutrients to aid the production, however, there are a small select few that are required above all others, those being: Iron, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid (aka Folate, Vitamin B9), and Vitamin C.
नीचे लिखे अनुशार मात्र में प्रतिदिन सेवन करे
Iron: 20mg a day
Vitamin B6: 50mg a day
Vitamin B12: 1500mcg (micrograms) a day
Folic Acid: 500mcg (micrograms) a day
Vitamin C: 1000mg a day
3. भोजन औसधि कि तरह
Supplementation is fantastic, but sometimes you just don’t want to be swallowing pills all the time. Here are the richest food sources of the aforementioned nutrients.
Oysters, mussels, enriched cereals, molasses, green leafy vegetables, tomato paste, dhal, dried apricots (Red meats and liver may have high iron, but they are not recommend – they bad for kidney disease)
Vitamin B6:
Muesli, whole grains, fortified cereals, liver, tuna, sunflower seeds, lentils, kidney beans, avocado, peas, nuts, banana
Vitamin B12:
Poultry, crustaceans, fish, fortified cereals, eggs, soymilk, molluscs
Folic Acid:
spinach, beans, asparagus, peas, lentils, turnip greens, organ meats, orange, cantaloupe, pineapple, grapefruit, banana, raspberry, strawberry, corn, tomatoes, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, bok choy, baker’s yeast, sunflower seeds.
Vitamin C:
Guava, red capsicum, brussel sprouts, citrus juice concentrate, papayas, kiwi fruit, blackcurrants, mango, cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, lychees, oranges, sprouts
4. Herbs जड़ी बूटिया
Herbal medicine also offers a number of solutions on how to increase hemoglobin levels. Three herbs in particular I have found to be of most benefit are: Withania, Dong Quai, Nettle leaf
Withania (also known as ashwagandha):
has its origins in India where is has been used for thousands of years. Withania is a fantastic herb, it improves the health of red blood cells, and also benefits the body by enhancing energy production, decreasing inflammation, calming the nervous system, and being a tonic for the entire body.
Dong Quai: (Chinese Angelica )
is also another herb that is steeped with tradition, but this time from China. For centuries mothers from China have been using the root of Dong Qaui in soups to help their themselves, and their daughters, to increase production of red blood cells during their menstrual cycle.
Nettle Leaf तेज पत्ता :
I see Nettle leaf almost like natures multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. It has high amounts of iron, and also vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B’s, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc, and more.
Nettle leaf is not to be confused with Nettle root as this is to help prostate enlargement.
5. Fenugreek seeds (मेथी)
I personally love the type of little tip that I am about to mention, because they work, and because they’re so simple that they just seem too good to be true.