सुबह-सुबह थोडा सा व्यायाम या योगासान करने से हमारा पूरा दिन स्फर्र्ति और ताजगी भरा बना रहता है । यदि आपको दिनभर अत्यधिक मानसिक तनाव झेलना पडता है तो यह क्रिया करें, दिनभर चुस्त रहेंगे । इस क्रिया को करने वाले व्यक्ति से फेफडे और साँस से सम्बंधित बीमारियाँ सदैव दूर रहेंगी ।
क्रिया की विधिः समतल और हवादार स्थान पर किसी भी आसन जैसे पद्मासन या सुखासन में बैठकर इस क्रिया को किया जाता है । दोनों हाथ को दोनों घुटनों पर रखें । अब नाक के दोनों छ्रि्र से तेजी से गहरी सांस लें । फिर सांस को बिना रोके, बाहर छोड दें । इस तरह कई बार तेज गति से सांस लें और फिर उसी तेज गति से सांस छोडते हुए इस क्रिया को करें । इस क्रिया में पहले कम और बाद में धीरे-धीरे संख्या को बढाएँ ।
इस क्रिया से लाभः इस क्रिया के अभ्यास से फेफडे में स्वच्छ वायु भरने से फेफडे स्वास्थ्य और रोग दूर होते हैं । यह आमाशय तथा पाचक अंग को स्वास्थ्य रखता है । इससे पाचन शक्ति और वायु में वृद्धि होती है तथा शरीर में शक्ति और स्फर्र्ति आती है । इस क्रिया से सांस संबंधी कई बीमारियाँ दूर ही रहती हैं ।
सावधानी किसी व्यक्ति को दमा या सांस सम्बंधी कोई बीमारी हो तो वह अपने डाँक्टर से परामर्श कर ही इस क्रिया को करें ।
रंग-रुप भी निखरता है प्राणायाम से प्राणायाम ऐसी क्रिया है जिसके नियमित अभ्यास से बडी-बडी बीमारियाँ साधक से दूर रहती है । साथ ही व्यक्ति का रंग-रुप भी निखर जाता है । शीतली प्राणायाम के संबंध में ऐसा माना जाता है कि इसका नियमिति अभ्यास करने वाले व्यक्ति को कभी जहर नहीं चढता ।
शीतली प्राणायाम की विधिः शीतली प्राणायाम और सीत्कारी प्राणायाम लगभग एक जैसे ही हैं । अंतर केवल इतना है कि सीत्कारी प्राणायाम में जीभ गोलकर तालु से लगा ली जाती है और शीतली में जीभ को गोलकार बना लेते है और सीत्कार करते हुए मुँह द्वारा वायु को पेट में भर लेते हैं । इस प्रणायाम को खडे होकर, चलते हुए अथवा बैठकर भी कर सकते हैं । इसमें मूँह को गोल करके जीभ को भी गोल कर लिया जाता है और होंठ को बाहर निकालकर सांस लेते हैं । जितना संभव हो उतना समय सांस रोककर फिर सांस को बाहर निकाल दिया जाता है ।
शीतली प्राणायाम के लाभ;
इस प्रणायाम से पित्त, कफ, अपच जैसी बीमारियाँ बहुत जल्द समाप्त हो जाती है । योग शास्त्र के अनुसार लंबे समय तक इस प्रणायाम के नियमित अभ्यास से व्यक्ति पर जहर का भी असर नहीं होता ।
According to health care professionals, living with unhealthy lungs can cause an array of problems. Harmful particles in the air are often leading causes of sickness, while other activities such as smoking can make the problems even worse.
To help avoid respiratory problems, cleansing the lungs usingnatural remedies is simple. Following a three- to five-day cleansing program is often effective in keeping the lungs working properly.
Step 1
Remove all dairy products from your diet. Dairy products can impede the digestion process making detoxification slow and difficult.
Step 2
Drink one cup of herbal laxative tea before you go to bed the evening before you begin your lung cleanse. This will help remove toxins in your intestines and rid your system of. There are many brands of herbal laxative teas. "Get Regular" by Yogi is among the top choices.
Drink one cup of herbal laxative tea before you go to bed the evening before you begin your lung cleanse. This will help remove toxins in your intestines and rid your system of. There are many brands of herbal laxative teas. "Get Regular" by Yogi is among the top choices.
Step 3
Squeeze two lemons into and eight- to 10- ounce glass of water and drink it before your first meal. Lemons help digest alkalizing foods, which help repair damaged lung tissue.
Squeeze two lemons into and eight- to 10- ounce glass of water and drink it before your first meal. Lemons help digest alkalizing foods, which help repair damaged lung tissue.
Step 4
Drink a 10-ounce glass of grapefruit juice with breakfast. Grapefruit juice contains natural antioxidants that promote a healthy respiratory system.
Drink a 10-ounce glass of grapefruit juice with breakfast. Grapefruit juice contains natural antioxidants that promote a healthy respiratory system.
Step 5
Drink a 10-ounce glass of carrot juice between breakfast and your second meal. Carrot juice helps alkalize your blood and is high in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene produces Vitamin A.
Step 6
Discover the power of Noni juice. Noni juice is extracted from the Noni tree, which grows in Southeast Asia. It is is extremely high in potassium and aids in repairing damaged tissue. Mix 2 oz. of Noni juice with an eight-ounce glass of spring water. Noni juice can be purchased from most health-food stores. There are several brands out there, however, it is important to use pure Noni.
Step 7
Drink one cup of mucus-cleansing tea before dinner. Mucus-cleansing tea is rich in rose hips, ginger and peppermint, which are all strong fighters against congestion and mucus buildup. Cleansing tea is readily available in supermarkets and health-food stores.
Step 8
Drink a 12-ounce glass of of pure cranberry juice before bed. Cranberry juice is a powerful antioxidant and will aid in fighting bacteria in the lungs. Cranberries also aid in cleansing the blood.
Physical Care
Step 1
Enjoy a 20-minute sauna at least once a day during your lung cleanse. A sauna will help open your pores, allowing toxins to leave the body through perspiration. If you don't have access to a sauna, sit in a hot bath.
Drink a 10-ounce glass of carrot juice between breakfast and your second meal. Carrot juice helps alkalize your blood and is high in beta-carotene. Beta-carotene produces Vitamin A.
Step 6
Discover the power of Noni juice. Noni juice is extracted from the Noni tree, which grows in Southeast Asia. It is is extremely high in potassium and aids in repairing damaged tissue. Mix 2 oz. of Noni juice with an eight-ounce glass of spring water. Noni juice can be purchased from most health-food stores. There are several brands out there, however, it is important to use pure Noni.
Step 7
Drink one cup of mucus-cleansing tea before dinner. Mucus-cleansing tea is rich in rose hips, ginger and peppermint, which are all strong fighters against congestion and mucus buildup. Cleansing tea is readily available in supermarkets and health-food stores.
Step 8
Drink a 12-ounce glass of of pure cranberry juice before bed. Cranberry juice is a powerful antioxidant and will aid in fighting bacteria in the lungs. Cranberries also aid in cleansing the blood.
Physical Care
Step 1
Enjoy a 20-minute sauna at least once a day during your lung cleanse. A sauna will help open your pores, allowing toxins to leave the body through perspiration. If you don't have access to a sauna, sit in a hot bath.
Step 2
Take a brisk walk at least once day. Maintain a rhythm, inhaling deeply an exhaling slowly without becoming dizzy.
Step 3
Do a mucus cleanse at least once a day or as-needed. Place five to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil into two quarts of simmering water. Drape a dry hand towel over the back of your head and slowly inhale the steam until the water cools. The oil's properties in the steam will help loosen mucus. Using a Netty pot will cleanse the sinuses and rid your lungs of unwanted mucus.
Take a brisk walk at least once day. Maintain a rhythm, inhaling deeply an exhaling slowly without becoming dizzy.
Step 3
Do a mucus cleanse at least once a day or as-needed. Place five to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil into two quarts of simmering water. Drape a dry hand towel over the back of your head and slowly inhale the steam until the water cools. The oil's properties in the steam will help loosen mucus. Using a Netty pot will cleanse the sinuses and rid your lungs of unwanted mucus.
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