26 September 2011

An empty iron box gets valued when it contains jewels

An empty iron box gets valued when it contains jewels;

the body is honoured when it contains the jewel of consciousness and the valuables called virtues. Life has to be lived through, for the sake of the chance to unfold the virtues. Otherwise, man is a burden upon the earth, a consumer of food. When fire rages, you try to put it out by throwing sand or water, and you keep a stock of these in readiness. But, you have six fires raging inside you - lust, anger, greed, attachment, pride and hatred. What have you in store to put them out? Keep ready Sathya, shaanthi, dharma and prema. They will help you scotch the flames; they are effective extinguishers.

Rajesh Agrawal

25 September 2011

Studying is different than learning.

Studying is different than learning. -

Most people learn from doing something. So make sure your studies ALWAYS involve doing whatever you are trying to learn about. Yes, there are some of us strange folk who keep their sense of humor through it all, but for most it can get tedious. So find a way to study that keeps it interesting.

Things that are interesting are easier to retain. Things that are tedious, we tend to find distractions from. Any distraction means we aren't learning, we're just studying.... It just takes time to get where you want to be! And motivation. Given time, I expect some of you will accomplish great things!!!

Rajesh Agrawal